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Traduzioni richieste - ellasevia

Lingua originale
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Risultati 21 - 40 su circa 99
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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese I taught myself
I taught myself

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Me enseñé a mí mismo
Portoghese brasiliano Eu ensinei a mim mesmo
Francese J'ai appris tout seul
18Lingua originale18
Inglese Two Italian Proverbs
He who knows little quickly tells it.

Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out.
These are two Italian proverbs that I have come across and would like to have them translated into their original Italian. The first one basically says that if someone doesn't know much, it doesn't take long for them to make it apparent. The second one is basically saying that there is a big time difference between saying and doing (if this makes sense...). Thanks!

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Chi poco sa, presto parla.
18Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".18
Inglese Polish Proverb
A good painter need not give a name to his picture, a bad one must.

Traduzioni completate
Polacco Polskie Przysłowia
Lingua originale
Inglese Swedish Proverb
Fear less, hope more,
eat less, chew more,
whine less, breathe more,
talk less, say more,
hate less, love more,
and all good things will be yours.

Traduzioni completate
Svedese Frukta mindre, hoppas mer...
18Lingua originale18
Inglese Romanian Proverb
Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.

Traduzioni completate
Rumeno Proverb românesc
11Lingua originale11
Inglese Food is happiness. Food is love.
Food is happiness. Food is love.
Standard Arabic
Dutch (Netherlands)
French (France)
Also, for the languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (like Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc), I would like it if they could please be written in their own writing system. Thanks!

Traduzioni completate
Greco Το φαγητό είναι ευτυχία. Το φαγητό είναι αγάπη.
Cinese semplificato 食物是幸福。食物是爱。
Portoghese brasiliano Alimento é felicidade. Alimento é amor.
Svedese Mat är lycka. Mat är kärlek
Ceco Jídlo je štěstí. Jídlo je láska.
Italiano Alimento è felicità. Alimento è amore.
Arabo الأكل هو السعادة. الأكل هو الحب.
Olandese Voedsel is blijdschap. Voedsel is liefde
Polacco Jedzenie jest szczęściem. Jedzenie jest miłością.
Ebraico אוכל
Ucraino Їжа - це щастя. Їжа це кохання.
Tedesco Essen ist Glück. Essen ist Liebe.
Francese Aliment est joie. Aliment est amour.
Spagnolo El alimento es felicidad. El alimento es amor.
Russo Еда - это счастье. Еда - это любовь.
Giapponese 食べ物とは幸せ。食べ物とは愛。
Turco Yiyecek mutluluktur. Yiyecek sevgidir.
Latino Cibus
Coreano 먹거리는 행복입니다. 먹거리는 사랑입니다.
Hindi भोजन खुशी है। भोजन ही प्यार।
Thailandese อาหารคือความสุข อาหารคือความรัก
Vietnamita Thức ăn là tình yêu. Thức ăn là hạnh phúc.
16Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".16
Inglese Dear [...], You are cordially invited to...
Dear [...],
You are cordially invited to attend a small dinner gathering in celebration of Philip's 14th birthday. This party will take place at Philip's house on July 28th at 6:00 PM. Please respond by July 10th by phone, email, or mail. No gifts of any kind are required; your presence will suffice. Thank you and hope to see you there!


Philip Georgis

Norwegian Bokmål

This is an informal letter.

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Caro..
Norvegese Kjære Ellasevia, Du er herved invitert til..
Polacco Drogi .... Serdecznie CiÄ™ zapraszam na...
Lingua originale
Greco Τι θα γίνει θα έρθεις επιτέλους?
Τι θα γίνει θα έρθεις επιτέλους?

Traduzioni completate
Inglese What are you finally...
Portoghese brasiliano O que você vai fazer afinal?
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